真理像一把箭, 先沾一下蜜糖再發射出去!! La vérité est une flèche qu'il faut savoir tremper dans le miel avant de la lancer.

目前分類:宇宙訊息 (54)

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You're in the shower, and you receive a brilliant idea! Why is that?

你在淋浴洗澡, 收到一個很棒的想法, 為何?

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Beloved masters, as the Age of Pisces fully fades into the past, there is a new system of rules and Universal laws which will now apply to all emerging Spiritual/Human Beings.  A new, expanded cycle of Creation is in progress, and all of you who are striving to attain a unified state of consciousness will be designated as advanced cocreators of the future. As an empowered Bearer of God Light on the physical plane of existence, your new Divine Mission is to assist in the expansion of God-consciousness. Your goal is to become a master of manifestation, drawing forth the Essence of Creation, and activating it within your Sacred Heart. Then, through a heightened intuitive awareness, you will begin to receive specific thoughts / concepts, which will be sent forth into your Sacred Mind. You will gradually gain the ability to radiate new Seed Thoughts into your personal Flower of Life/Creator Wheel, which will begin the advanced process of creating those things that you require for an abundant, joyful, refined existence. Your Light resonance will increase as it gradually flows forth in a sweeping Infinity pattern, making a greater, more beneficial impact on your environment and those around you.

親 愛的光之大師, 正當雙魚座隨著過往淡去, 新世界有著新制度新規則會應用到興起的屬靈人類身上. 一個擴展的創造循環正在開展, 你們所有人都努力要獲得的合一意識狀態, 或指派給未來較先進的共同創造者. 身為一個擁有力量的荷光者, 以肉身投生在地球, 你新的神聖使命是協助正在擴展的基督意識. 你的目標是要成為彰顯罷師, 汲取來自造物主源頭的精華, 在你神聖內心啟動. 透過不斷升高的直覺與覺知, 你開始收到特定的想法/觀念, 傳到你的心智. 你會逐漸獲得散發新種子, 新想法到你個人的創造之輪, 生命之花的能力. 這會進一步啟動一個創造過程, 那些你所希冀的豐盛, 喜悅, 美好的存在. 當你的光在無限形式中逐漸成長時, 你光的照耀會增加, 對於你所在的環境與你的周遭有更大更正面有益的衝擊


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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Everybody! love, beth
Merry Christmas Blessings a Message from Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin December 25, 2014

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【大天使麥可】2014年11月份訊息— 『下載你的新神聖藍圖』

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【大天使麥克】2014年9月訊息《恐懼的幻影》 以下節錄

www.ronnastar.com  ronnastar@earthlink.nethttp://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b5f10ffc0102v11c.html

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photonbeltmetratronOn the 22nd of your September, you are all going to enter a photonic belt of light, for as your solar system has indeed stepped foot onto the new accord, the planet on which all of you re are finding yourselves shall take the next step in its evolutionary process, bringing with it, the peace and harmony of the ages past and the ages that are yet to come. A photonic belt of purple recognition principles shall roll out a new set of accords for your planet. The portals of the past shall reintegrate with the portals of the NOW moment of time.

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As written by Mariana Caplan, Ph.D. It is a jungle out there, and it is no less true about spiritual life than any other aspect of life. Do we really think that just because someone has been meditating for five years, or doing 10 years of yoga practice, that they will be any less neurotic than the next person? At best, perhaps they will be alittle bit more aware of it. A little bit.

我們真得以為只因為某人保持冥想習慣五年, 或做了十年瑜珈, 就比別人不神經質? 最好是, 也許他們的自覺性是比別人高一點

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Hi Precious Heart, do you feel like you have been in a blender? Well you are not alone. During the incredible influxes of Light we experienced in April, our pineal and pituitary glands were activated by our I AM Presence and our Body Elemental to receive more Light than we have ever been able to assimilate. This greatly increased the Divine Alchemy taking place in our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies,and the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of Mother Earth as well. The challenges we are experiencing in our individual lives, and the inclement weather conditions we are witnessing in the Elemental Kingdom,are an indication of the intensity of the purging Humanity and the Earth are experiencing. Fortunately, the Company of Heaven has promised us that things are going to get easier. But in the meantime, it is critical that we keep onkeeping on.


親愛的珍貴之心, 是否覺得最近像調理機一樣五味雜陳? 喔, 你絕不是唯一一位. 四月, 在我們所經歷的光之頂點, 我們的松果體和腦下垂體<我在這裏>, 以及接收到前所未有的超級光的身體元素給激活了。這大大促使我們的身體, 乙太體, 心智體與情緒體發生煉金轉化過程。我們在個人層次所面對的挑戰, 以及見證到大自然元素王國的氣候狀況, 在在顯示人類與地球目前在經歷的密度與純度所幸天堂應允情況將越來越容易, 不過同時, 我們仍要繼續我們正在進行的事物

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你和父親的關係代表你的財務金錢狀況、和媽媽的關係代表今生順利與否,因此關係的和解很重要,也是大多數靈魂投胎來地球要面對很重要的功課             引述自Paris Linda



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  • Sep 15 Wed 2010 19:57
  • 業力

石頭滾下, 然後,

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我的意志, 透過我的雙手行使, 我是神. 獨立自主.
他人的意志, 透過我的雙手行使, 我是人, 服從合群.

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進入寶瓶世紀, 更多人可以接受一些心靈層次的說法 我們來世間是要洗淨累世的業力, 讓靈魂更加進化。 而且, 在我們出生前, 早已選好一些功課, 準備來世間體驗一番。這樣的說法令人心平氣和。


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