
What you need to know about synthetic fragrance in skin care

Categories: Health and wellbeingJanuary 28, 2015 | Posted by Mukti

It's hard to believe its legal but it is. Lurking inside your skin care products, cosmetics and household cleaning products is something that could make you and your family very sick.

實在很難相信它竟然合法, 但它確實是的. 你所用的保養品化粧品與家用清潔品中, 這樣東西可讓你跟你的家庭覺得很不舒服的.


Even the cleanest, greenest person will have the odd product in the home that contains synthetic fragrance and if not, you're probably being exposed to it at work or whenever you come into close contact with other people, especially women who wear a lot of perfume. you and your family very sick — synthetic fragrance. 

即使是最純淨的, 最環保的人, 在家的櫃子裏也可能找到有合成香料的奇怪產品, 如果沒有, 你可能也曝露在工作場所或任何你去到之處, 或在跟人接觸之時. 特別是女人常擦一堆香水, 你跟你的家人對合成香料可能並不自在


Go and look at all your labels and you'll see it labelled as either 'fragrance' or 'parfum'. Those words sound harmless enough ­– but they are anything but. 

趕快看看目前所用保養品中它們的標籤怎麼寫的? 不是寫Fragrance, 就是Parfum, 都是香水的意思. 這些字感覺無傷, 但它們是



Under Australian law, the chemical components of a fragrance are considered a trade secret and do not need to be disclosed. That means when you see the words ‘fragrance’ or ‘parfum’ on a cosmetic or a skin care product, it could contain any number of chemicals from a pool of more than 5000 used by the beauty industry, most of which have never been tested for safety. 

澳 洲的法律(按:Mukti Organics為澳洲品牌), 香水中的化學原料被視為商業秘密, 不需標明清楚. 意思是, 當你看到"fragrance", 或"parfum"時, 它可能含一連串化學物質, 被業界習慣使用的五千多項原料, 大部份的物質從未做過安全測試.


According to a 2013 report released by Women’s Voices for the Earth,  almost 20% of the general population is sensitised to at least one allergen, and studies find that fragrance is one of the most frequently identified substances causing allergic reactions.  

根據2013一個叫womens' voices for the earth機構所做的報告, 20%的人口至少對一項過敏原過敏, 研究顯示香料是最常被認出造成過敏反應的物質之一


The group says the lack of information on ingredients in fragrance is a major public health problem: "Allergic patients routinely suffer unnecessarily and incur significant health costs associated with those allergies. 

這個機構並說香水產品或香水原料缺乏對原料的逐項說明是主要的公共健康問題. "過敏病人經常性受苦於不必要的過敏看病費用


Disclosing fragrance ingredients, including those ingredients which have been identified by scientific bodies as allergens, is an imperative step that could have a significant global health benefit.”

香水原料中, 如果能指認出那些被科學機構認知有過敏原的成份, 對於全球健康是有很重要的益處也是重要的一步


Synthetic fragrances can cause the following reactions: 


  • Headaches 頭痛
  • Chest tightness and wheezing 胸悶緊縮
  • Infant diarrhea and vomiting 嬰兒嘔吐
  • Mucosal irritation粘膜刺激
  • Reduced pulmonary function降低肺功能
  • Asthma and asthmatic exacerbation 氣喘
  • Rhinitis and airway irritation 呼吸道刺激
  • Sense organ irritation 過份刺激造成不適
  • Contact dermatitis 接觸性皮膚炎

What are governments doing about it?



Back in 1986, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences identified fragrance as one of six categories of neurotoxins and recommend they be thoroughly investigated for their impact on human health. Not much has been done since then.



回歸到1986年, 美國國家科學院確認香料是神經毒素的六大項目之一, 建議必需被徹底檢驗, 才能掌握對人體健康的影響. 從那時並沒有做太多什麼


There is little governmental regulation of fragrance in Australia and the US. The fragrance industry is mostly self-regulating and has largely failed to address consumer health concerns about synthetic fragrance.

在澳洲, 在美國, 政府法規對香料並無太多約束, 香水業自己球員兼裁判, 沒有表述太多合成香料對健康有何疑慮.


The EU is well ahead of the US or Australia.



In 2012 the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety adopted a new opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetics in which it updated its list of fragrance allergens that consumers should be made aware of. It confirmed that 26 fragrance allergens currently being used are of concern and indicated that three fragrance allergens (HICC, atranol and chloroatranol) should not be used in cosmetics.

2012 年, 消費者安全的科學委員會在香料過敏原上採用一項新意見, 更新了所有香料過敏原名單, 讓消費者能自行審視. 確認有現行26個香料過敏原確實有疑慮, 並明顯其中三項過敏原(HICC, atranol, 和chloroatranol)不可以再用在化粧品上.



cumulative effects of synthetic fragrances



While one-off use of a synthetic fragrance may not cause harm, cosmetics and skin care products are used on a daily basis. Add to that all the other fragranced products you use, such as dishwashing detergent and laundry detergent and you are looking at toxic levels.

當然一次性使用不會造成什麼傷害, 但化粧品保養品都是天天在使用的. 同時, 在家還會用到洗碗精, 洗衣精, 那麼毒性影響就會累加


Regulatory bodies don't consider the risk to our health of cumulative exposure to multiple chemicals from multiple sources. The health impacts of these exposures are largely unstudied and unregulated.

法規不會精細到多種化學品牌不同用途的化學品交乘使用後的累計效果. 曝露在這樣的情況下, 對健康的影響沒有被研究到, 沒有被規範到


The long-term effects of synthetic fragrance are unquantifiable. What we do know is that more people are experiencing allergies and sensitivities than ever before.

合成香料長期使用的效果沒有被量化. 我們知道的是, 有更多人, 比以往任何一個時候, 正在經驗更多的過敏, 與敏感



The more we can minimise our exposure to potentially dangerous chemicals and toxins, the better. 



Why do cosmetics companies add synthetic fragrance to their products? 

Fragrance is often used in skin care products to give a sense of indulgence, but it doesn't serve any functional purpose. None of the products in the Mukti Organics range contain any synthetic fragrances or perfumes.* BUT — we know that people do enjoy using a beautifully scented product on their skin – as long as it’s natural and not harmful to health. Therefore, only use certified organic essential oils to naturally scent our range, making it suitable for all skin types including sensitive skin. We  recommend that you patch test the product on your skin, just in case you have a sensitivity. (Just because it's natural, doesn't mean you won't react).



香 料成用在保養品給一點香味增添一點使用的愉悅感, 但它們並不為該產品帶來保養效果. 在Mukti有機產品中, 不含任何合成香料. 但是~~~我們知道蠻多人喜歡化粧品能有香香的味道, 只要他們天然不會對健康有何壞影響. 因此我們都用有機認證的芳香精油添加一點自然風味, 可適用在所有類型肌膚包括敏感型肌膚. 我們建議如果你有敏感問題, 你可先貼布測試在你的皮膚 (因為天然, 皮膚就都ok, 也不盡然喔)

註: 這篇文章的價值在說明與提醒人工合成香料對人體潛在的負影響, 中間不免有推銷自有品牌之處, 仍不失其他行文的價值


Our essential oils do more than make you smell nice

The certified organic essential oils we use in our products are derived from flowers, fruit, grasses, seeds, bark, wood, roots, leaves, balsam and resin. They've been used for thousands of years and have stood the test of time.

我們所用的有機認證芳香精油都從花, 果, 草, 種子, 樹木與根或葉或樹脂採集而來. 都是使用了幾千年有時間的驗証


These oils work both medicinally and therapeutically and are readily absorbed via the skin into the bloodstream, while having a balancing and regulating effect on sebum production.

這些精油都有醫療上的作用, 能經由肌膚滲到血流, 平衡與調節油脂


The essential oil synergies in our formulations have been chosen for their beneficial qualities on the skin such as transdermal penetration, potency, natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and fungicidal properties, anti-aging and wound healing, fat dissolving and improvement in circulation. Plus — they smell divine. Without giving you, or people in your vicinity, a headache.

在我們配方中, 不同精油的調配混合, 都是以它們的益處考慮出發, 比方表皮滲透, 效果, 天然的抗菌力, 抗發炎性, 抗真菌特性, 抗老保養, 溶解脂肪與促進循環. 還有, 聞起來非常怡人芬芳, 不會讓人想走避或頭痛感



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