真理像一把箭, 先沾一下蜜糖再發射出去!! La vérité est une flèche qu'il faut savoir tremper dans le miel avant de la lancer.

目前分類:時尚美粧區 (20)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Rita Moreno (born December 11, 1931).png

大家會想到化妝品的化學物質帶來什麼傷害,很少人會想到 #化妝品對氣場會有什麼影響?這蠻有趣的!


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(一) 主視覺.jpg


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Every Spring, An Idyllic Iranian Town Turns Fields of Roses Into Rose Water

By distilling their harvest of pink roses, locals make a fragrant ingredient.

by Shervin Abdolhamidi  May 29, 2019

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Vitamin C, while appreciated in orange juice, is actually at its best as one of the most powerful players in the skin-care game. Linked with promoting collagen production, brightening and evening out skin tone, and reducing signs of aging and hyperpigmentation among other beauty benefits, it leaves the skin looking healthier, tighter, and like you actually got those eight hours of sleep. Be it a cream, gel, or even a mist, products packed with the ingredient are popping up at just about every major beauty brand and flying off of store shelves. One vitamin C-packed product, in particular, is going relatively viral on Amazon at the moment with nearly 7,000 five-star reviews — before and after pictures included.

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URBAN DECAY本月份代言人,88歲老奶奶Baddie Winkle

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XperiaZ5廣告蠻吸引人的,也有點混淆,不知在賣手機?還是彩妝?但,整個一個舒服的萌粉紅,宣告2016年金屬光粉紅的來到,香奈兒的服裝更憑添這樣的氛圍, 有一種未來完成式的感覺



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What you need to know about synthetic fragrance in skin care

Categories: Health and wellbeingJanuary 28, 2015 | Posted by Mukti

It's hard to believe its legal but it is. Lurking inside your skin care products, cosmetics and household cleaning products is something that could make you and your family very sick.

實在很難相信它竟然合法, 但它確實是的. 你所用的保養品化粧品與家用清潔品中, 這樣東西可讓你跟你的家庭覺得很不舒服的.

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報載立法委員丁守中日前(12/23/2014)發起公聽會, 邀請相關人員討論化粧品業禁用動物做實驗加入修法。 個人覺得內容諸多混淆, 實有釐清之必要, 條列於下供作參考:


一. 台灣經濟以出口為主沒錯, 但進入各個產業去看, 化粧品卻是【入超】, 亦即進口為主。近年國產品牌雖有增多傾向, 仍偏重內需市場。

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health patch


A skin patch in development is able to deliver wrinkle-fighting ingredients deeper into the skin than topical creams can. What looks like a small bandage is lined with hundreds of tiny, biodegradable needles that painlessly pierce the top layer of skin and then dissolve within 30 minutes to release their contents. When 24 women applied the patches, which were loaded with vitamin C or a retinoid, every other day for 12 weeks, they experienced significant reductions in crow's-feet, according to a study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science. The technology can also be used to administer treatments that otherwise would require an injection, says Hyungil Jung, a professor of biotechnology at Yonsei University in South Korea, who worked on the research. Jung says the patches will be available commercially in 2015, but in the meantime, using a microneedle-roller device before applying skin creams also improves absorption of anti-aging compounds.

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擦保養品本是要讓皮膚更美, 擦著擦著卻擦出白斑, 真得很令人傻眼。還記得去年爆出的佳麗寶美白系列白斑事件嗎? 台灣市場波及性較小, 主要還是回到日本。記憶所及, 可能是化粧品史上頭一遭…


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秋冬一到,落葉紛飛,枝頭落寞無一葉; 只為來春新生嫩葉預作準備.肌膚也一樣, 我們肉眼所見的肌膚表層,是老廢死細胞,28天一到, 自動剝離脫落, 準備功成身退,讓位給底下掙出的新生細胞.

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法系美粧品, 繼蘭蔻(Lancôme)之後, 迪奧(Dior)也推出BB霜了, 喔喔….; 開架的媚比琳, 更是密集大打BB霜的電視廣告。BB霜取代防曬隔離霜的保養觀念, 指日可待。 環顧市場, 看來只有【日系】進口品牌還算堅定不搖, 尚未淪陷。


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