八十八年前, 宣導國民健康的十四條守則, 到今天來看, 還是蠻經典有理的. 而且發現古早人好像比我們更重視心理衛生, 比方第二條, 知道心情不好配飯吃會影響消化. 還有, 我們知道酒後不開車, 但古早人還說喔, 剛吃飽飯不要就開車上路..........果然老爺爺老奶奶的話要聽一下
14 Timeless Rules to Keep You Sane
Advice for healthy living from 1927
Back in 1927, at a convention of the American Public Health Association, one Dr. Robert E. Humphreys explained to the crowd that stress caused by financial trouble could lead to health trouble. Nearly a century later, we know that he was right: long-term stress actually does harm your health.
And that’s not all he was right about. Dr. Humphreys went on to provide 14 “rules for sane living” that TIME reprinted in the Oct. 31, 1927, issue—and they just go to show that emotional eating isn’t exactly a modern problem.
TIMEFrom the Oct. 31, 1927, issue of
守則一. 累的時候不要吃飯
守則二. 心情起伏時, 無論是高興或生氣, 也不要吃飯
守則三. 等一下要去做一些惱人的事之前也不要吃飯
守則四. 餓的時候不要拼命填飽肚子
守則五. 一天不一定非得吃滿三餐
守則六. 不要狼吞虎嚥
守則七. 一頓飽餐之後不要隨即開車上路
守則八. 不要債台高築
守則十. 當對你不利的狀況, 更要慢下來, 不可急燥
守則十一. 不要強迫小孩吃飯當他不想吃的時候
守則十二. 盡量不要讓小孩興奮過度
守則十三. 吃飯時不要罵小孩
守則十四. 確定孩子有睡飽休息夠
Don’t laugh: according to one 2011 study, driving after eating actually is dangerous. Dr. Humphreys is likely no longer alive, but if he is, we officially give him the right to say “told you so.”
不要笑, 根據2011研究, 吃飽就開車上路確實危險. Dr. Humphrey可能已不在人世, 如果他還在, 他大有權利說: "我早就告訴你了"
Read the full report on the 1927 American Public Health Association meeting, here in the TIME Vault: Public Health