
譯者: 網路上會有既定翻譯人翻譯, 有的為了強調重點, 字打得大大小小, 彩虹顏色標示, 我不是很喜歡.  我習慣閱讀過程, 以自己累積的字彙去翻出來, 僅做參考

Beloved masters, there is a Light Path that will lead you out of the density into the LIGHTNESS OF THE SPIRITUAL REALMS.   The key that allows you to traverse this Sacred Path is within you–it is called your SOUL SONG. You are attuned to what is called your Energetic Signature while you are functioning within the Third- / lower Fourth-Dimensional environment. You are gradually attuning to your SOUL SONG as you move through the remaining sub-levels of the Higher Fourth Dimension, and into the entry level of the Fifth-Dimensional environment.

親愛的大師, 有一條光之路徑引領你走出濃濁密度的三度空間, 走進魂王國的光之所在. 讓你穿越這條神聖路徑的鑰匙叫你的靈魂之歌. 當你在三度/或四度較低的環境運作時, 你被所謂你的能量印記調頻校準, 當你移往較高的第四次元到達第五次元的入門過程, 你會逐漸調頻對齊到你的靈魂之歌


Your Energetic Signature has resonance, cadence, tones and vibrancy, and it radiates forth from your seven major Chakra Centers and your auric field. It changes daily, along with your thoughts and deeds, for it is responsive to the ego-desire body personality, and to the constant highs and lows of the emotional nature. Gradually, the ego–desire body personality becomes a servant of the Soul, and your vibrational patterns slowly begin to return to a state of balance and harmony. When your base frequency patterns reach the mid-Fourth Dimensional level and above, your auric field gradually expands, and it becomes more radiant. At that time, your Energetic Signature will begin to align with your higher-frequency Soul Song.  This, in turn, initiates a Clarion Call to the higher Facets of your Soul Self to begin the process of reunification.  Your original Soul Song was in perfect harmony with the Celestial Soul Song of this Sub-Universe; it was how you were, and are, recognized by your Soul Family members and the great Beings of Light.
你 的能量印記會回應, 調頻, 與振動, 它從你主要七個脈輪與氣場散發出來, 每天都在變, 跟隨你每天的想法, 行為在變. 因為它會回應人格欲望, 與情緒經常性的高低起伏. 逐漸地, 人格欲望會成為靈魂的僕人, 而你的振動形式慢慢開始回歸到平衡與和諧的狀態. 當你的振動頻率到達第四次元中段或更上時, 你的氣場會慢慢擴展, 更具散發力. 那時, 你的能量印記會開始與你的高頻靈魂之歌調頻對準.  會開啟你的靈魂自我更高的召喚, 進一步啟動統合的過程. 你原有的靈魂之歌與次宇宙的神聖靈魂之歌是處在完美和諧狀態., 那是你本來的面貌, 也會被你的靈魂家族與光之存有認出

Each dimension has a unique resonance and an identifiable harmonic, sound pattern. Your physical existence is a reality focused on harmony and balance or the lack thereof, and the further you move into density, the more discordant your vibrational patterns become.  In your material plane reality, you habitually focus on tangible things, which have substance or density–a time/space orientation of cause and effect. It is gradually permeating the mass consciousness belief structure that everyone is the creator of his/her own reality 
每 個次元有獨特的迴響, 與一致的和諧, 聲音形式. 你的肉體存在會反應和諧與平衡的真實, 或是缺乏, 如果你越移到濃密處, 你會越失調. 在你的物質世界, 你習慣性聚焦在具體事物, 有濃密特質 - 因果的時空定位. 然後會慢慢逸出滲進大眾集體意識中, 而這個意識池, 是每個人自我意念創造出自我實相所匯合而成的.

As you refine your vibrancy, you are gradually becoming multidimensional, which means that you are tapping into the frequency patterns of several dimensions at once.  In order to make room for the refined frequencies of the multiple levels of the higher Fourth, and the entry levels of the Fifth Dimension, there must be a clearing/cleansing process. Via the lessons and instructions we have given you over the years, we are endeavoring to give you the knowledge and the tools needed to traverse the Path of Ascension with ease and grace. 
當你提煉自我的振動, 你會慢慢成為多次元的存有, 代表, 你一次點進多個次元的振動頻率. 為了空出位置給精細的多元頻率, 需要有個清理淨化的過程. 透過過去幾年的課程與教導, 我們努力給你們必要的知識與工具以穿越由輕鬆與恩典所鋪排的揚升路徑

When you achieve a certain level of harmony within, the gateways or portals within the physical body will open, and you will gradually gain access to the frequency patterns of the Higher Dimensions: the Ascension Chakra–Medulla Oblongata–at the base of the skull; the back portal of your Sacred Heart; and an expansion of the opening of the Crown Chakra.  These are major steps in the Ascension process, for they re-establish your connection with the River of Life–the Cosmic Stream of higher consciousness–which contains the Living Light particles of Creation called Adamantine Particles. At that point, you will begin to build a force field of Full-Spectrum Creator Light as you strive to become a master of Self, and a conscious cocreator who only creates those things which are for the greatest benefit of all. From that time forward, your breathing exercises and affirmations take on a whole new meaning.

當 你到達某種和諧, 身體的門戶會打開, 你會獲得通道進入更高次元的頻率形式: 揚升脈輪, 在頭骨底座; 你神聖之心的後門; 頂輪入口處的擴充. 這些是揚升過程的主要步驟, 它們重建你與生命之河的連繫 - 更高意識的宇宙流 - 含有創造者之活躍光粒子, 稱為Adamantine Particles. 在那個點上, 你會開始建立一個創造者之光的全光譜力場, 你會致力於成為大師, 與有意識的共同創造者, 只會創造人類共有的最高益處. 從那時起, 你的呼吸運動與自我肯定會開啟一個全新的意義.


The basic Seven Etheric Chakras or spinning wheels of Electromagnetic Energy were placed within the physical body as receptacles for the stepped-down attributes, qualities and virtues of God Consciousness. These Seven Energy Centers have always been appropriately calibrated for the density levels you are to experience, during each incarnation, according to your Divine Blueprint. 

基本的七個乙太脈輪, 或電磁能旋轉輪在肉身之內. 這七個能量中心, 在每次投身時, 根據你的神聖藍圖. 適當重生以因應你要經驗的次元環境,

As you strive to return to balance and harmony within the four lower bodily systems, physical, mental, emotional and etheric, you will gradually refine your vibrational patterns, which will guide you onto the Pathway of Ascension into the higher frequencies of Light. The chakra system will begin to take on the radiance of the five Higher Rays of Galactic God-Consciousness, which become available when your Energetic Signature is refined enough to tap into the frequency patterns of the mid-Fourth Dimension. The five Higher Rays will have a profound effect on the Seven Chakras of the Third-/ Fourth-Dimensional physical vessel.  First of all, the reserve supply of Adamantine Particles of Light, stored within a Seed Atom in each chakra, will be released.  The Kundalini, or Serpent of Sacred Fire, stored at the base of the Root Chakra will begin to rise, and the process called Opening the Seven Seals of Higher Consciousness will be initiated. The chakras will begin to spin truly instead of out-of-balance.  They will change color and become iridescent, as they attune to the higher frequencies of God-Consciousness, and are gradually infused with the vibrancy and glowing luminescence of Creator Light. 
當 你努力在身體底端四個脈輪, 身體的, 心智的, 情緒的, 乙太的當中重新恢復平衡與和諧, 你會逐漸讓你的振動模式精緻化, 會引導你走向揚升之路, 到達光較高的振動頻率. 脈輪系統會開始納進五個更高的基督意識的光彩進來, 在你的能量印記變得更精緻時, 並能點進四次元中階部份的振動. 這五道更高光彩對於第三第四次元的七個脈輪有更深遠的效果. 第一, Adamantine粒子的儲存量, 儲存在每個脈輪的種子原子裏. 亢達里尼, 或神聖火蛇, 儲存在海底輪會開始上來, 這過程叫打開較高意識的七道封印會啟動. 脈輪會開始旋轉, 而不是失衡. 他們會改變顏色, 當他們對準基督意識之更高頻率, 逐漸滲進造物者之光的光芒到你的脈輪

The different colored luminescent Rays will assist in integrating and balancing the higher frequency patterns of Galactic Consciousness. The more you balance, harmonize and strengthen your chakra system, the more Divine Light you will be able to absorb. The spinal column will eventually become a ROD ofLIGHT and POWER through which the Streams of Creator Light can freely flow, unimpeded. As a result of this activation, the process of Ascension will be greatly accelerated.

不同色彩的光芒會協助整合與重整來自銀河意識較高頻率的模式. 你越有辦法平衡, 和諧與強化你的脈輪, 你就越有辦法吸收神聖之光. 造物者之光流能自由流動, 形成螺旋光柱與力量. 這個啟動的結果, 揚升過程會加速

Your I AM PRESENCEor what we are now calling your GOD-SEED ATOMis experiencing many realities at once. As you prepare to move into the entry levels of a Fifth-Dimensional environment, you will begin to experience some bleed-through telepathic thought forms, as well as information from some of your closer, most energetically compatible Higher Selves. You are becoming multidimensional, Spiritual / Human Beings. You are experiencing a physical reality and a non-physical reality at the same time. You have spent much more time in a non-physical reality than in the physical world.  Earthly existence is merely a moment in time compared to the time spent in the higher realms.

你 的我是我所是, 或我們現在所稱的你的神之種子原子, 會一次性地正在經驗更多現實. 當你準備移往第五次元的入階, 你會開始經驗到某種心電感應的思想模式, 以及你的高我傳給你的資訊流. 你正在成為多次元之靈性人類. 你正在同時性地經驗物質與非物質世界. 地球的存有只是一眨眼工夫, 與更高靈魂王國相比.

You are a Fragment of God Consciousness. Your individualized God-Seed Atom is the wholeness of your Being within this Sub-Universal experience.  Envision your God Self as a golden sphere of Light that has sent forth many, many Fragments of Itself throughout the many Creations within this Sub-Universe. You are one of those brilliant, shining Fragments.
(The Fragments, Facets, Sparks, Higher Selves, which Archangel Michael refers to, are often called “Parallel Lives” by other messengers). (R)
你是基督意識的一部份, 你個體的神之種子原子是你在次宇宙經驗的全部存有. 想像你的神性是光之金黃球, 散發很多, 很多它自己. 你是這光輝燦爛部份之一.......

You are about to enter a doorway into another reality–a world where special talents and refined attributes will be a normal part of who you are. You are to strive to be a PRACTICAL MYSTIC. Allow yourself time to adjust to your rapidly changing persona. Do not endeavor to impress people with your wisdom or special talents, but seek ways to assist yourself and others to gradually adapt to your rapidly changing world, and to a new State of Being.
你 能自在穿梭任意門, 從一個實相到另一個實相, 有天份與精緻的特性是本來的你. 你努力要成為實際的神秘主義者. 給自己時間去調整正在快速改變的自己. 不要以你的智慧或天份用力取悅別人, 但可找出一些方式協助自己與他人逐漸適應你快速變化的世界, 以及存在的狀態

How do you wish to experience the next five or ten years?  How do you envision yourself?  It is time to begin to build your new reality–your spiritual friends, Soul companions and your Higher Self can help you do just that–efficiently, gracefully, and in alignment with the new Divine Blueprint, and for the greatest good.

你想要怎樣經歷接下去的五年, 或十年? 你怎麼預見自己? 是時候可以去建構你的新實相 - 你的靈魂朋友, 與你的大我能幫你, 以更有效, 更具恩典地方式做到, 對準新的神聖藍圖....

Gradually, over the coming years, evolved Spiritual/human Beings will be greatly influenced by the radiance of the powerful Rays of Divine Light, which are now beaming down upon humanity and the Earth. The great Archangels are RAY-diating forth the new Divine Blueprint for the Age of Aquarius, which was sent forth from the Supreme Creator, through the Father/Mother God of our Universe, to the God Parents of each Sub-Universe. Your conscious awareness will slowly expand to include all humanity, the Earth, Solar System and even the Galaxy. The higher mind will respond to the more refined, yet powerful, frequencies of Light, which will reveal unimaginable inventions and astounding new methods for the betterment of humanity and the Earth. The physical body must evolve into a more finely-tuned Energy Vessel, in order to accommodate the ever-increasing power of the God Rays. As a result, good health, vitality, and increased stamina will be the norm for those who are in the process of claiming their Self-mastery.
一點一低, 在未來的數年裏, 進化的<神人們>會被神聖光芒的光輝燦爛給大大地影響, 這些光芒現在正大把大把地照耀地球, 與其中的子女. 大天使們, 閃耀著新的寶瓶世紀的神聖藍圖的光芒, 從至高造物者處照射到我們所在的宇宙, 的父神母神處, 再照亮到各個次宇宙. 你的覺知會不斷擴展, 將人性, 地球, 太陽系, 甚至銀河都含納進來. 較高的心智會回應更精緻, 更具力量的光頻, 這光頻會顯示出無法想像的創造力, 與驚人的方式創造更棒的前景


As we have told you before, all of the Sub-Universes, within this Universe, are experiencing a megacycle of Light impulses, which are radiating forth directly from within the Heart Core of the Supreme Creator. The refined octaves of Creator Light are available to all, at whatever level each Being has prepared their vessel to accept and integrate them. The Light cannot begin to infiltrate the static or jumbled frequencies that make up the Third-/lower Fourth-Dimensional physical vessel without the permission of the recipient, and without an opening of the heart center. Your Soul Self, OverSoul/Higher Self, and your God-Seed Atom are waiting for the appropriate frequency signal signifying that you are ready to begin the process of opening the Light conduits containing the Adamantine Particles of Eternal Life. Divine Light permeates your DNA, and every Atom within your multiple body systems is filled with Light to one degree or another. If it were not so, you could not exist. It is time to unlock the flow of God Light from within and from without.
就像我們之前告訴你的, 所有次宇宙, 正在經歷光脈衝的大循環, 直接從至高造物者的心閃耀幅射出來. 這精緻的造物者八角光芒已經存在, 每個層次的存有都可準備好他們的身體通道去接收並整合進來. 如果身處第三第四次元(較低階)的人們沒有允許, 沒有打開心, 這 個光芒無法照進來. 你的靈魂自我, 與超靈群組, 與你的神種子原子會等待適當的頻率訊號, 直到你準備好開始這個過程. 神聖之光滲進你的DNA, 每個原子, 你多重身體系統(心智體, 情緒體, 乙太體, 身體)都充滿這光到一個程度. 如果沒有這樣, 你無法存在, 是時候該開放自我讓神之光湧進....

Envision billions of minuscule Light Particles being activated within your physical body, and billions more radiating down from your OverSoul/Higher Self in the form of sparkling, Diamond Crystal Pyramids of Light. See yourself surrounded in a golden aura of Cosmic Light, and then observe as your Circle of Love/Light begins to expand. Know that you are emulating the Creator as you say to yourself, “Let there be Light.” Now watch as your unique Beam of God’s Light streams forth before you, smoothing, harmonizing, lifting, and transforming, via all the Elements of wondrous refined Creative Energy.
想 像成千上萬的光芒粒子在你體內被啟動, 上億的鑽石光芒粒子從你的更高源頭灑下. 想像自己沐浴在金黃色宇宙光的氣場之中, 觀察當你的愛與光之圈開始擴大. "成為光". 看到獨特的神之光在你面前灑落, 順暢, 和諧, 與提升, 與質變, 透過神奇精煉的造物者能量的全面特質

As you become proficient in moving back and forth between your Fifth-Dimensional Pyramid of Light, and the Circle of Light you have built around yourself in the Third/Fourth Dimensions, your Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart begin to blossom and expand with the continuous flow of Divine Will, Love and Wisdom from your OverSoul/Higher Self.  As a result, your world will begin to reflect your highest desires, your sphere of influence will expand, and you will draw to you those who are in harmony with the refined frequencies/ideals you now embody. Together, you will become active participants in weaving the gossamer fabric of the new reality that is being birthed on Earth.
當 你在位於第五次元之個人金字塔, 與第三/四次元所造的光之圈熟練地來來去去, 你的神聖心智, 神聖之心開始像花一樣綻放, 擴展, 從你的高我會有持續的神聖意志流進. 結果是, 你的世界會開始反射出高度的欲望, 你的影響力會開展, 你會吸引到和諧精緻的人們到你身邊. 你們會一起, 共同地成為積極參與者, 編織新生地球的全新面貌

 As a part of your transformational process you are, once again, becoming aware of the energies and uses of the crystals and gemstones found within the Earth. They, too, contain a portion of Creator Light. They were designed to assist you to clear and balance the energies within your bodily vessel; however, you must attune to their specialized energies, and then program them through your intention. They are eager to work with you, for as you awaken and come into harmony with the higher frequencies, so will they. The great Sentient, Sentinel Crystals**, which resonated with the original Soul Song of your Mother Earth, were strategically placed around the planet during the initial manifestion process. They are now being attuned to the new Divine Blueprint for the Earth and humanity. As we have told you before, they act as receivers, receptors, transmitters, and broadcasters of energy and information, both around the world, and even out into the solar system and galaxy. There are also Record Keeper Crystals, both large and small, and they are ever ready to assist you to activate the Memory Seed Atoms within your Sacred Mind, which will help you unlock the mystery and wisdom of your ancient past. The mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms are also in a state of transformation into a renewed, higher awareness–none will be left behind—all are in a state of transformation and greater awakening. **Sentient (sensitive, responsive, aware).   Sentinel (sentry / lookout). (R)
你 是你蛻變過程的一部份, 再一次地, 對於能量與地質的水晶與寶石的使用更加覺知, 他們也帶有創造者能量之光的一部份. 他們被設計來協助你清理與平衡你身體的能量. 不過, 你必需對準他們特殊的能量, 經由你的意向重新設定他們. 他們很想跟你工作, 當你更清醒與更高頻率對齊時, 他們本身也跟著改變. 偉大的水晶, 會呼應原始的靈魂之歌, 是刻意在創造之初放置在地球 的. 他們現在已與地球, 人類, 新的神聖藍圖調頻. 就像我們告訴過你的, 他們是接受器, 傳送器, 與能量/訊息的廣播站, 甚至可對準地球外的太陽系, 銀河系輸送資料.  另外, 也有資料保存用的水晶, 有大有小, 他們已準備好要幫助你們去啟動你神聖之心的記憶種子原子, 有助於打開你遙遠過去的神秘智慧. 礦物王國, 蔬果王國, 與動物王國都在一種轉變的過程, 進入到一種更新與更高的清醒狀態. 沒有任何事物會被拋在後面, 所有的所有都在轉變過程.

It is a time of liberation, beloveds. The desire for freedom is growing stronger within the heart of every sentient Being on Earth. It is also a time of coming together. Even as you are being reunited with your Soul/Star families, we of the Higher Realms are also joining forces. For many ages, humanity has been disconnected from the full, dynamic Presence of the Soul Self, and also from the Angelic Kingdom. But now, we are reuniting in order to create a synergistic overlay of consciousness that will be available to all who are prepared to be a part of the Living Light Team effort. We use this term, for you are comfortable with it, and it initiates a mind picture of many working in harmony together with purpose, and for a common goal. It is vitally important that you understand: there are great and magnificent Pyramids of Light within all of the Sub-Planes of the Fifth Dimension, where they are easily accessible to those of you who have done yourHeart/Soul work, and have attuned your physical vessels to, at least, the higher Fourth-Dimensional frequencies of God Light. Within these Pyramids are all the components of Creator Light you will need to create anything you desire for the highest good of all. We are waiting there to join you and to become cocreators with you. So, bring your visions and your pure intent into your personal Fifth-Dimensional Pyramid of Light, and claim the miracles that await you.

親 愛的大師, 解放的時候到了. 地球的每個存有, 內在對自由的渴望正在成長茁壯. 也是團結在一起的時候. 當你與你的靈魂家族, 星際家族團圓在一起時, 我們更高次元的存有會加入力量. 好久以來, 人類一直跟更高源頭切斷能源. 現在, 我們團圓在一起, 才能創造整合意識給任何想成為光之團隊一部份的存有. 我們用這個詞, 你感到比較自在, 他會開啟一個心象, 與這個共同的大目的整合在一起. 更重要地你要瞭解到: 在第五次元有很多, 很多, 很棒的光之金字塔, 讓你們當中有做靈魂功課的人很容易取用, 它們都調準到你的身體頻率, 至少, 在第四次元的更高階頻率. 在這些光之金字塔中, 有造物者之光的很多組成, 會有你想創造, 為了更高意圖的任何之物. 我們正等著加入你, 成為你的共同創造者. 所以, 帶著你的真知灼見, 與你的純然意圖, 到你個人的第五次元光之金字塔, 大聲說出有奇蹟在等著你~~

My faithful Bearers of the Light, you are awakening from a twilight dream-state whereby, for many eons of time, you have existed on a starvation diet of Half-Spectrum Light.  Open your hearts and your minds, and expand your vision to incorporate your full endowment of the virtues, attributes and qualities of God-Consciousness.  It is our great pleasure to assist, inspire and protect you on your journey back into the realms of Light.  Know that you are loved most profoundly. I AM Archangel Michael.   
我忠實之光之工作者, 在大夢初醒的黎明裏, 亙古以來, 你們一直活在半開的光頻的饑餓狀態. 打開你的心, 與你的意識, 擴展你的視野, 將你基督意識下所涵蓋的美德, 優點, 特質都涵容進來.在你回返光的旅程中幫助你, 啟發你, 保護你, 是我們最大的榮幸. 你是深深被愛的, 我是天使長麥克.

​​Transmitted through Ronna * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael.  Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from : 原宇宙著作權屬本傳訊者Ronna

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