真理像一把箭, 先沾一下蜜糖再發射出去!! La vérité est une flèche qu'il faut savoir tremper dans le miel avant de la lancer.

日劇HERO2, 說真的, 不比第一部流暢與機智, 也...不是太具啟發力, 但今晚的最終回, 有一種不捨, 不想要它曲終人散. 因為喜歡這部戲的風格, 喜歡裏面固定班底的有趣互動, 並反應社會上的動態. 很希望能再開拍第三部, 希望找回松隆子跟木村搭戲, 北川景子雖然演出邁力, 但不是很對味, 希望這部戲, 能一直跟著時代的脈動延續下去....觀眾, 演員, 戲劇一起成長...

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health patch


A skin patch in development is able to deliver wrinkle-fighting ingredients deeper into the skin than topical creams can. What looks like a small bandage is lined with hundreds of tiny, biodegradable needles that painlessly pierce the top layer of skin and then dissolve within 30 minutes to release their contents. When 24 women applied the patches, which were loaded with vitamin C or a retinoid, every other day for 12 weeks, they experienced significant reductions in crow's-feet, according to a study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science. The technology can also be used to administer treatments that otherwise would require an injection, says Hyungil Jung, a professor of biotechnology at Yonsei University in South Korea, who worked on the research. Jung says the patches will be available commercially in 2015, but in the meantime, using a microneedle-roller device before applying skin creams also improves absorption of anti-aging compounds.

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黑白舊照片透過彩色影象重新處理, 望進其中, 感覺過去的人穿越時空與現代的我們相遇.

最喜歡片頭的這張, 失業水管工人與他的老婆, 兩個人好時尚喔; 他們的穿著在現在可是要刻意造型才能達到的效果. 他老婆穿的那件洋裝, BCBG, Benetton, Sisley隨便賣也要五六千起跳吧.

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【大天使麥克】2014年9月訊息《恐懼的幻影》 以下節錄

www.ronnastar.com  ronnastar@earthlink.nethttp://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b5f10ffc0102v11c.html

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剛剛在電視上, 才看了他的報導, 想想這世界還真是二元對立, 有人黑心專走歪道, 就有人踏實一步一腳印. 這位主人翁數十年如一日, 不管外面怎樣天搖地動, 他就是做他的苦茶油, 日本人稱茶花油, 是東方特級的橄欖油. 他說了, 食品廠用溶劑煉油, 油一沾上牆壁是洗不掉的, 但天然的油不會沾黏. (這點我可瞭解喔, 吃泡麵完的碗, 要趕快洗; 隔一會兒才去洗的話, 那個油要洗很久, 是種頑膩的油漬).

我還是禁不住想起小時候跟阿嬤去油行搭油, 一走進去的撲鼻香氣. 那個時候一切是那麼單純, 誰會想到假油, 有的話, 大概也少之又少; 為何人的心思那麼複雜, 會把簡單的東西變複雜, 也變黑心. 就不過是要吃的油而已.

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photonbeltmetratronOn the 22nd of your September, you are all going to enter a photonic belt of light, for as your solar system has indeed stepped foot onto the new accord, the planet on which all of you re are finding yourselves shall take the next step in its evolutionary process, bringing with it, the peace and harmony of the ages past and the ages that are yet to come. A photonic belt of purple recognition principles shall roll out a new set of accords for your planet. The portals of the past shall reintegrate with the portals of the NOW moment of time.

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這齣不錯看, 是這半年來第一次完全被吸睛沒轉台.的日劇...

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As written by Mariana Caplan, Ph.D. It is a jungle out there, and it is no less true about spiritual life than any other aspect of life. Do we really think that just because someone has been meditating for five years, or doing 10 years of yoga practice, that they will be any less neurotic than the next person? At best, perhaps they will be alittle bit more aware of it. A little bit.

我們真得以為只因為某人保持冥想習慣五年, 或做了十年瑜珈, 就比別人不神經質? 最好是, 也許他們的自覺性是比別人高一點

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