真理像一把箭, 先沾一下蜜糖再發射出去!! La vérité est une flèche qu'il faut savoir tremper dans le miel avant de la lancer.

擦保養品本是要讓皮膚更美, 擦著擦著卻擦出白斑, 真得很令人傻眼。還記得去年爆出的佳麗寶美白系列白斑事件嗎? 台灣市場波及性較小, 主要還是回到日本。記憶所及, 可能是化粧品史上頭一遭…


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  • May 04 Sun 2014 23:40
  • 西藥

告訴你個秘密, 雖然不說比較好. 我們醫生從來沒做什麼, 我們只是幫助與鼓勵內在那個醫生(免疫系統)動起來而已 ~~by Albert Schweitzer

相片:"It's supposed to be a secret, but I'll tell you anyway. We doctors do nothing. We only help and encourage the doctor within." Albert Schweitzer, M.D.


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A carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae is pictured in this undated handout medical illustration provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to a September 16, 2013 report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), at least 2 million people in the United States develop serious bacterial infections that are resistant to one or more types of antibiotics each year, and at least 23,000 die from the infections. REUTERS/Center for Disease Control/Handout via Reuters


The planet may be headed toward a “post-antibiotic era” when common infections once easily controlled by antimicrobial medicines may be lethal, the World Health Organization reported Wednesday in its first look at antibiotic resistance that has developed in all parts of the world.

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Hi Precious Heart, do you feel like you have been in a blender? Well you are not alone. During the incredible influxes of Light we experienced in April, our pineal and pituitary glands were activated by our I AM Presence and our Body Elemental to receive more Light than we have ever been able to assimilate. This greatly increased the Divine Alchemy taking place in our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies,and the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of Mother Earth as well. The challenges we are experiencing in our individual lives, and the inclement weather conditions we are witnessing in the Elemental Kingdom,are an indication of the intensity of the purging Humanity and the Earth are experiencing. Fortunately, the Company of Heaven has promised us that things are going to get easier. But in the meantime, it is critical that we keep onkeeping on.


親愛的珍貴之心, 是否覺得最近像調理機一樣五味雜陳? 喔, 你絕不是唯一一位. 四月, 在我們所經歷的光之頂點, 我們的松果體和腦下垂體<我在這裏>, 以及接收到前所未有的超級光的身體元素給激活了。這大大促使我們的身體, 乙太體, 心智體與情緒體發生煉金轉化過程。我們在個人層次所面對的挑戰, 以及見證到大自然元素王國的氣候狀況, 在在顯示人類與地球目前在經歷的密度與純度所幸天堂應允情況將越來越容易, 不過同時, 我們仍要繼續我們正在進行的事物

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  • Mar 09 Sun 2014 22:08
  • KANO

今天去看了Kano, 在我家這兒的社區型電影院, 隔了七年沒進電影院了, 呵呵, 看到大家攜老扶幼來觀影很有趣. 放映廳門口難得的黑壓壓, 一百個坐位坐到九成滿.

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lean in  



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木村拓哉新戲, priceless, 人生無價】, 很喜歡片頭的設計 - 一堆人追著一顆百元銅板跑的畫面, 很有意思。問, 為何不是追逐億萬財富的畫面, 而是微不足道的一顆銅板呢??? 當富貴如流水, 嘩啦啦一直來時, , …其實…不會太介意…錢的最小單位, 銅板, 甚至從不會想到它的存在。

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日劇<婆媳誰怕誰>, 劇情雖誇大懸疑, 還蠻有意思的; 一個家的崩解, 真得是外力介入? 還是內部日積月累造成的? 有句話, 物自必腐而後蟲生....不過, 正因為有新的元素加入, 才迫使自家人必需面對本已不堪一擊的真象


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一個心臟科醫生, 明日之星, 卻被指派去海拔2500公尺的高山行醫。第一天上山就被吐槽, 因為途中他飲水全沒, 巧遇同路的陌生護士, 向她要水喝。護士嗆聲: 『爬到一半就沒水喝, 等同山難; 缺乏足夠配備, 足夠技術與知識, 無法下山, 等同已發生山難~~』 接著再嗆: 『我最瞧不起小看<山>的人, 弄得不好, 影響了自己, 也連累了他人。』

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