版主提醒: 本文僅作參考, 無任何醫療用途的勸誘意圖
Most Natural News readers know that there is rising resistance to pharmaceutical antibiotics. Fewer know of the inherent dangers of pharmaceutical antibiotics that are rarely publicized by mainstream media (MSM). What's even less known are safe and effective alternatives, especially the home-made variety.
本版大多數讀者都知道對於藥廠抗生素有越來越多的覺醒. 主流媒體很少講藥廠抗生素隱含的危險. 更不用提有更安全更有效的替代配方, 特別是家用自製的選擇.
Pharmaceutical antibiotics are designed for bacteria only. So if you're suffering from a viral or fungal infection and you're prescribed an antibiotic, you not only are out of luck for a solution but are throwing the dice against some potential short-term and long-term side effects.[1]
Apparently, as pharmaceutical antibiotics are complex synthetic formulations, pathogenic bacteria for which they are designed have more loopholes to discover in order to resist them. Conversely, it seems that the same is not true with natural antibiotics, many of which can also multi-task as antifungals and antivirals.
很明顯地, 藥廠的抗生素藥方是複雜的合成配方, 用來對抗致病菌, 卻有很多漏洞. 相反地, 此治療機制對天然抗生素卻不管用. 很多天然抗生素卻能執行多重任務, 比方對治真菌與病菌
Here's a tonic that you can easily make to have on hand for a variety of ailments, made with several traditional time-proven ingredients that are antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal.
以下是天然抗生素調理水, 可以很容易做, 用在多用途, 可舒緩細菌, 真菌, 病菌的感染症狀....
Back to the basics: A traditional tonic from medieval Europe 回歸基本面: 來自中世紀的居家調理水
This cleansing tonic performs as a total multi-tasking anti-pathogen for bacteria, viruses and fungal infections. It's easy to make and cheap. You won't have to worry about side effects either. The source for this recipe claims that it's useful for resolving candidiasis also.[2]
這個清潔調理水有多用途, 預防來自真菌細菌的感染, 很容易製作而且成本很低. 不用擔心有副作用. 配方的來源號稱可舒緩念珠菌的感染
- 24 oz / 700 ml apple cider vinegar (always use organic) 700毫升蘋果醋
- 1/4 cup finely chopped garlic 四分之一切碎的大蒜
- 1/4 cup finely chopped onion 四分之一切碎的洋蔥
- 2 fresh peppers, the hottest you can find (be careful with the cleaning -- wear gloves!!!)兩顆辣椒, 你能找到最辣的
- 1/4 cup grated ginger 四分之一薑末
- 2 tbsp grated horseradish 兩茶匙的辣根
- 2 tbsp turmeric powder or 2 pieces of turmeric root 兩茶匙薑黃粉
- Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, except for the vinegar. 將以上配料放在一個鍋內, 除了蘋果醋
- Transfer the mixture to a Mason jar. 再將所有配料轉到玻璃瓶
- Pour in some apple cider vinegar and fill it to the top. It is best if 2/3 of the jar consist of dry ingredients and the rest is filled with vinegar. 蘋果醋慢慢倒進來, 倒到頂; 最理想的狀況, 配料占2/3的空間, 1/3看到蘋果醋
- Close well and shake. 蓋好並充份搖晃
- Keep the jar in a cool and dry place for 2 weeks. Shake well several times a day. 放在乾燥陰涼之處, 兩個禮拜
- After 14 days, squeeze well and strain the liquid through a plastic strain. For better results, put a gauze over it. Squeeze well so the whole juice comes out. 14天後, 將液體擠乾. 為了效果更好, 放個漏斗.
- Use the rest of the dry mixture when cooking. 剩下的乾料, 備料理時之需
This recipe's source advises starting with a teaspoonful at first, and not on an empty stomach. Each of the ingredients have powerful medicinal properties.
配方來源提醒, 開始時, 一茶匙一茶匙為單位的使用, 每個配料都有強力醫藥特質
Big Pharma's hidden antibiotic dangers
Much has been made of antibiotic resistance and the rise of superbugs such as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which can be lethal.
很多會產生抗藥, 導致更致命的病菌產生
But instead of resorting to natural means that are clinically proven effective, such as colloidal silver, oil of oregano and Manuka honey, most of the MSM and scientific community relies on Big Pharma for finding more costly synthetic "solutions."
天然抗生素配方已臨床證明有效, 像: 膠體銀, 牛至油, 麥盧卡蜂蜜, 但人類社會依然倚賴大藥廠去研發很貴的合成解藥
The addiction to pharmaceutical antibiotics has led to the fluoroquinolone series of antibiotics, such as Cipro and others. Even after a national TV news special featured the gruesome effects of fluoroquinolone antibiotics, the media and medical mafia still maintain that the "benefits outweigh the risks."
對大藥廠抗生素上癮的結果導致"氟喹諾酮類系列的抗生素". 即使一些報導已指出可怕的效果, 媒體與醫療黑手黨醫然說它利多於弊
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and its disease cousin toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are side effects of many non-fluoroquinolone antibiotics. TEN is the most gruesome and fatal. It involves the patient's skin tearing away and forcing them to be treated as a severe burn victim. It happens more often than it's reported.[3]
Pharmaceutical antibiotics should be shunned as much as possible, especially for minor ailments.
SJS症與毒性表皮壞死症是很多非氟喹諾酮類抗生素的副作用. 毒性表皮壞死症是最可怕並致死的. 它牽扯到病人的皮膚撕裂並會被當成燒燙傷病人在處理治療. 它發生的比率比報導得多
[1] http://earthweareone.com
[2] http://www.naturalnews.com
[3] http://www.realfarmacy.com