這 屆奧斯卡的亮點, Lady Gaga絕對是其中一個, 毫無疑問. 太跳tone了, 因為太~~正常了, 又唱著全世界的人都熟悉的歌, 雞皮疙瘩真得掉滿地, 接著茱莉安德魯絲出場, 銜接得天衣無縫. 非常驚喜感人的一幕~~ (我第一次看到Lady Gaga的五官....), 她表演地真得很棒~~
亮點二, 鳥人的導演, 不知怎麼唸他的名字, Alejandro González Iñárritu, 贏得最佳導演, 他的感謝詞很有啟發性:
<小我會輸了競爭(ego lost competition), 有人贏, 就有人輸, 但每個電影人的作品都是獨一無二, 無法比較, 也無法打敗, 真正要在乎的是, 作品是否能經得起時間的考驗....>
亮點三, 這兩位歌者, Common and John Legend, 唱得全場沸騰, Glory, 很多人眼淚奪眶而出
"When I was 16 years old, I tried to kill myself because I felt weird and I felt different and I felt like I did not belong," he revealed after accepting his trophy from Oprah Winfrey.
"And now I'm standing here, and I would like for this moment to be for that kid out there who feels like she's weird or she's different or she doesn't fit anywhere: Yes, you do. I promise you do," he continued.
"Stay weird, and when it's your turn and you're standing on this stage, please pass the same message to the same person who comes along," he said as he wrapped up his speech, which was nearly drowned out by thunderous applause.