

身體的總指揮在哪? 過去我們以為是腦, 但越來越多的研究顯示, 身體的總指揮中心或許在心臟. 事實顯示, 心臟傳遞給腦的訊息, 比腦傳給心臟的訊息還要多.....

心臟散發電磁力形成身體最大的電磁場域, 它以四種方式傳遞訊息給腦
* 透過神經系統
* 脈動波⋯⋯

* 荷爾蒙
* 電磁波

我們的任何細微的情感, 確實會被編碼, 模組化加入身體的生理運作. 當心(臟)感到由衷喜悅, 或任何正向情緒, 包括愛, 感激, 欣賞, 同理時, 心(臟)會產生像正弦波那樣的律動. 可想而知, 相反的情緒像: 噌恨, 害怕, 貪婪, 又會對身體產生怎樣的影響. 這也是為什麼保持清醒, 時時注意自己的情緒反應是那麼重要.....

A group of prestigious and internationally recognized leaders in physics, biophysics, astrophysics, education, mathematics, engineering, cardiology, biofeedback and psychology (among other disciplines) have been doing some brilliant work over at the Institute of HeartMath. The Institute of HeartMath is a (well recognized) non-profit research and education organization dedicated to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions, and understand something that is commonly overlooked in mainstream biology: the intelligence of the heart and its effect on the brain.


A large portion of their research dives into heart and brain interaction, how they communicate with each other and how that affects our consciousness. For example, when a person is feeling really positive emotions like gratitude, love, or appreciation, the heart beats out a different message, and because the heart beats out the largest electromagnetic field produced in the body, the institute has been able to gather a significant amount of data.

大部分他們的研究深入到大腦與心(臟)的互動, 它們之間如何溝通, 以及它們如何影響我們的意識. 比方: 當一個人經驗到很正面的情緒, 像由衷感激, 愛, 或欣賞, 心臟會打出不一樣的訊號, 而且因為心臟能打出身體最大的電磁場域, 這個研究單位能收集到很明顯的資料


According to Rolin McCratey, Ph.D, and director of research:

“Emotional information is actually coded and modulated into these fields. By learning to shift our emotions, we are changing the information coded into the magnetic fields that are radiated by the heart, and that can impact those around us. We are fundamentally and deeply connected with each other and the planet itself.” (source)

不管多細微的情緒, 都能被編碼, 模組化加入身體的活動進入這些範圍. 藉由學習轉移我們的情緒, 我們能改變進入心臟打出之電磁場的編碼, 也能因此改變我們周遭的一切. 基本深層的層面, 我們與每個人與地球是連結在一起的


The Heart Sends Signals To The Brain



“One important way the heart can speak to and influence the brain is when the heart is coherent – experiencing stable, sine-wavelike pattern in its rhythms. When the heart is coherent, the body, including the brain, begins to experience all sorts of benefits, among them are greater mental clarity and ability, including better decision making.” (source)

心對腦所能傳遞與影響的一個重要的方式, 就是當心很一致 - 經歷穩定, 像正弦波一樣的律動, 心臟可傳遞的一條很重要的管道. 當心很和諧一致, 身體包括腦, 會開始經歷各種對健康有益的好處, 包括神智清晰思想敏捷, 能做更有品質的決定


Scientists have long believed that it was the brain that sent information and instructed the body on what to do, and when to do it. This includes the heart, but we now know (thanks to researchers like those at HeartMath) that the heart actually sends signals to the brain, just as the brain sends signals to the heart. In fact, the heart actually sends more signals to the brain than the brain sends in return. What’s even more amusing is the fact that these heart signals (from heart to brain) actually have a significant effect on brain function.

科學家一直以來, 相信腦送訊息, 並指揮身體做甚麼, 甚麼時候做等等. 包括心也是受其指揮, 但現在我們知道(謝謝專家研究), 是心(臟)確實會送訊息訊號給腦, 如同腦也會回傳訊息給心. 事實上, 心臟甚至送訊息給腦, 多過腦送訊息給心. 更有趣的是, 這些"心"訊息, 對於腦功能運作有顯著作用在


To me, this is amazing. The fact that the heart produces the largest electromagnetic field in the body, and the fact that it sends more signals to the brain rather than vice versa shows us that the heart plays a much larger role in our biology than what we previously believed, and that it (the heart) may be a major commanding center of the body, in the same way we think of the brain.

對於我(原作者), 這相當令人驚奇. 心臟製造出體內最大的電磁場域, 它送到腦, 比腦送到心的訊號更多. 代表心(臟)比我們先前認知到的, 在生化功能扮演更加重要的角色, 甚至於心臟可能才是身體的主要指揮中心, 而不是腦


So far, the researchers have discovered that the heart communicates with the brain and body in four ways:

  • Neurological communication (nervous system)
  • Biophysical communication (pulse wave)
  • Biochemical communication (hormones)
  • Energetic communication (electromagnetic fields)


目前研究顯示, 從心臟透過以下四種方式傳遞訊號(息)到腦或身體其他部分:






Why This Is Significant




“HeartMath research has demonstrated that different patterns of heart activity (which accompany different emotional states) have distinct effects on cognitive and emotional function. During stress and negative emotions, when the heart rhythm pattern is erratic and disordered, the corresponding pattern of neural signals traveling from the heart to the brain inhibits higher cognitive function. This limits our ability to think clearly, remember, learn, reason, and make effective decisions. In contrast, the more ordered and stable pattern of the heart’s input to the brain during positive emotional states has the opposite effect. It facilitates cognitive function and reinforces positive feelings and emotional stability.” (source)

心數研究顯示出有不同種類的心活動(伴隨不同種類的情緒狀態), 對於情緒活動會有明顯的效果, 當心的節奏是不穩定而混亂時, 從心傳到腦, 其對等的神經元訊號會大大受到干擾, 此時會限制我們的思考或記憶, 學習, 或決定等等的能力大為降低. 相反地, 當心處在正向情緒狀態, 流向腦的神經元就會穩定又有秩序.此時更能促進認知功能, 加強正向情感, 與情緒的穩定



This brings into question the consideration of consciousness. Consciousness is the way we perceive the world (and everything in it) around us. It’s how we think, and it’s how we feel. It’s directing our attention towards something with a specific intention and can be explained in a number of ways. So what does consciousness have to do with science?  Well, some physicists today are starting to believe that consciousness is actually a state of matter, just like a solid, a liquid or a gas. (source)(source). This is because a number of publications, more so in the field of quantum physics, have demonstrated that consciousness actually has a direct affect on our physical material world. This is most notably demonstrated by the quantum double slit experiment, one that found factors associated with consciousness to “significantly” correlate with the make up of our physical material world. You can find out more about that in an article we published last year titled “Consciousness Creates Reality: Physicists Admit The Universe Is Immaterial, Mental & Spiritual.

這又帶到意識的問題. 意識是我們理解世界的方式(與其中所有的一切事物). 我們如何想? 我們如何感受? 我們特有的意識, 會藉由我們的意圖, 將注意力導向某事物, 可以用很多方式解釋. 意識跟科學有何關係呢? 嗯, 一些物理學家開始相信意識是一種狀態, 就像固體,液體,或氣體. 有很多書籍已討論到意識確實對我們的物質世界有著直接的影響力


“A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction. Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual.”  – R.C. Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University ,  “The Mental Universe” ; Nature 436:29,2005) (source)

新的物理, 基本的結論也確認到觀察者創造了現實. 身為觀察者, 我們會創造出自己的現實. 物理學家不得不承認, 宇宙是種心智的產物. 領航物理學家寫到: "知識流朝向非機械性的現實; 宇宙更像個很大的思想綜合體, 而不是一個機械體, 心智越來越不像是個偶然的闖入現實的闖入者, 我們應該更要把心智看成現實的創造者. 打開心胸試著接受這個不爭的事實吧. 宇宙是非物質性- 心智- 精神的


For a selected list of downloadable peer-reviewed journal articles reporting studies that deal with human consciousnesss and its influence on the phsyical material world, mostly published in the 21st century, you can click HERE


It’s important to understand what these physicists are saying in conjunction with the research being conducted at the Institute of HeartMath, because the researchers there have shown how certain emotional states (consciousness) can code different information into the heart’s electromagnetic field, sending out a different signal depending on factors associated with consciousness (feelings/emotions), as well as send signals to the brain.  While all this is going on, we have quantum physicists showing that consciousness can, again, have an effect on our physical material world. This could mean that conscious states of love, gratitude and compassion have a different effect on physical reality (one that is not known), than opposite emotions like hate, fear and greed have on it. We know that these different emotional states do indeed have an effect on our biological makeup and send a different type of signals to the brain, as mentioned earlier, which brings me to my next point…

不同情緒狀態, 可編碼成不同的生化訊號輸入到心臟的電磁場, 再從心依照不同意識(感覺,情緒), 送出不同的訊號給大腦. 再次說明意識對於物質肉身是有影響的. 代表處在愛,感激,與同理慈悲等情緒狀態對於肉體是有不同影響的. 而相反的情緒如憎恨恐懼貪婪之於肉體又有不同的影響. 我們知道不同的情緒狀態對於我們的生物功能是有影響, 送出不同訊號給大腦, 帶到下一個觀點


Do Our Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions & More Originate In The Brian, The Heart, Or From Somewhere Else?


那我們的思想, 情感, 情緒, 與更多....是源自大腦? 還是心? 或是其他部分呢?

Just to recap, researchers at the institute have found that the heart sends more signals to the brain than the brain does to the heart, and that different emotional states send different signals to the brain, which directly effect our cognitive functions, our ability to learn and more. The question to ask here is, where do these emotional states come from? What triggers them? A certain event in our lives could be the catalyst for a certain type of emotional response (depending how we perceive that event). For example, if someone loses a loved one, they will experience ‘negative’ emotions, thus triggering the heart to send certain signals to the brain. But where do these emotions generate from? Do they generate from our brain, with regards to how we perceive the event which determines our reaction? Where do these states of consciousness originate?

稍微很快做一下結論, 研究者發現心臟送給腦的訊息多過大腦送給心臟的訊息, 而不同情緒狀態送出不同訊息給大腦, 又直接影響到我們的認知功能, 學習能力與更多. 問一個問題, 那這些情感是從哪裡來? 甚麼去觸動它們? 我們生活中的一些事件可能是觸媒, 啟動某個情感(看我們怎麼看待那件事情). 比方: 如果某人失去所愛, 他會經歷一個負面的情緒, 啟動心臟送出某些訊號到大腦. 但這些情緒從哪裡來? 從哪裡產生的? 它們從大腦產生, 依照我們如何看待事情, 而決定會有何反應? 但這樣的意識又是從哪裡來???



“Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking inside a radio for the announcer” – Nassim Haramein



These states of consciousness could be altering our world in ways we do not know, and we know they alter the way we feel, think and perceive, which in turn can effect our biology.

意識狀態可能以我們不知道的方式在改變我們的世界, 我們知道意識狀態改變我們感受, 思考,與認知的方式, 又會進一步影響我們體內的生化反應與功能


Below is a great video from Dr. Gary Schwartz, professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, psychiatry and surgery at the University of Arizona, discussing whether consciousness is a product of the brain or a receiver of it. It’s a little overview of a subject that is full of peer reviewed scientific research that not many people have the time to go through.

以下有段影片談到到底意識是大腦的產物? 或是大腦的接受器?

“QM [quantum mechanics] has questioned the material foundations of the world by showing that atoms and subatomic particles are not really solid objects—they do not exist with certainty at definite spatial locations and definite times. Most importantly, QM explicitly introduced the mind into its basic conceptual structure since it was found that particles being observed and the observer—the physicist and the method used for observation—are linked. According to one interpretation of QM, this phenomenon implies that the consciousness of the observer is vital to the existence of the physical events being observed, and that mental events can affect the physical world.” – Dr. Gary Schwartz (source)

量子物理提出問題, 這世界的物質基礎是原子次,原子, 都不是具體可見那麼定型的東西. 不是那麼確定地存在於空間與時間. 更重要的, 量子物理清楚地介紹心智到基本的概念結構, 當粒子被觀察, 觀察者- 也就是物理學家與觀察所使用的方法是相連在一起的. 根據量子物理的詮釋之一, 觀察者的意識對於被觀察的實體事物的存在是重要的, 心裡可以影響現實







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