

Cantaloupe is an amazing fruit that has over 19 vitamins and minerals that help to boost the immune system, detoxify the organs, and deeply hydrate and alkalinize the body. Since cantaloupe is a pre-digested food, meaning it does not require any digestion in the stomach and can pass straight through to the intestines for assimilation, it is best eaten on an empty stomach alone for breakfast. 

哈密瓜是個神奇水果, 含有19種維他命與礦物質, 可幫助提高免疫力, 增加身體解毒功能, 並深度滋潤身體, 讓身體鹼性提高.  因為哈密瓜有助消化, 意思是他不需要消化, 吃下去直接通過胃腸, 與身體協同. 早上空腹當早餐吃, 也不礙胃.

The high vitamin C content in cantaloupes is critical for immune system support and to fight bacterial and viral infections. Cantaloupe is also excellent for helping to relieve nerves and calm anxieties. It is known to keep the heartbeat normal and regulated while under stress as well as keep muscles relaxed and free from cramps and hypertension. 

含高量維他命C, 支援免疫系統 打擊細菌病菌. 哈密瓜能有效幫助緩解神經, 安神鎮靜, 讓心跳規律, 保持肌肉放鬆, 緩解血栓與高血壓.

The rich vitamin A and beta carotene content in cantaloupe helps to lower the risk of cataracts and aids in maintaing healthy eyesight. Cantaloupe also aids the body in excreting excess sodium which helps to reduce water retention and bloating. After purchasing a cantaloupe, let it sit on your counter until it emits a light floral scent and yields to gentle pressure. Cantaloupe is a sweet and delicious fruit that is a wonderful way to start your morning and nourish your body and soul.

含豐富維他命A與胡蘿蔔素, 能有助降低白內障風險, 維持健康視力. 哈密瓜有助身體分泌鈉, 降低水分延留在體內變水腫. 買了哈密瓜後, 先讓他放著, 直到散發香氣, 表面有點鬆軟再吃. 哈密瓜甜又香, 當早餐對於滋養/喚醒身心, 是個不錯的選擇.

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