
看這篇文章, 首先讓我想到奇蹟課程的一段話. 大意是, <每個問題, 對應一個答案.> 不是所有的事都那麼地無助。北京的霾害, PM2.5懸浮微粒, 看來有解.


每顆壓縮過的寶石,相當於清理了1千立法公尺的髒空氣。所以,事實上,當你配戴一枚鑲嵌此寶石的戒指時, 你等於配戴了(處理過的)空氣汙染在身上。以研發者的說法,買一枚戒指,等於你為這世界清理了1千立法公尺的髒空氣。


這項研發最早是專為北京量身訂做的, 取得北京市長的背書後, 全力開發. 終於在這個月發表~~ 現在正積極推廣到更多有此困擾的城市, 比方: 孟買、巴黎,如果你的城市也需要,你也可以話聲。。。將來還可望壓縮出鑽石, 隨著壓縮技術更加成熟後~~~



What’s 23 feet tall, eats smog, and makes jewelry for fun?

In Rotterdam this week, the designer Daan Roosegaarde is showing off the result of three years of research and development: The largest air purifier ever built. It’s a tower that scrubs the pollution from more than 30,000 cubic meters of air per hour—and then condenses those fine particles of smog into tiny “gem stones” that can be embedded in rings, cufflinks, and more.



Each stone is roughly equivalent to cleaning 1,000 cubic meters of air—so you’re literally wearing the pollution that once hung in the air around Roosegaarde’s so-called Smog Free Tower. In the designer’s words, buying a ring means “you donate a thousand cubic meters of clean air to the city where the Smog Free Tower is.”


The project has been in the offing for a long time. We wrote about the idea more than two years ago when the Dutch designer first publicly announced the project, which was originally planned for Beijing after the city’s mayor endorsed the idea. Roosegaarde and his team have spent the past few years developing the first prototype in Rotterdam, where it was unveiled this month. “It’s really weird that we accept [pollution] as something normal, and take it for granted,” Roosegaarde explains.


The white, oblong tower—slatted with louvres protecting its electronic innards—will still eventually make its way to Beijing, which of course is notorious for its smog. It’ll also make stops in Mumbai and Paris, and possibly other cities (you can suggest your own using the project’s hashtag on Twitter).


To fund the travel, the studio launched a Kickstarter campaign where you can buy jewelry and cufflinks made with its tiny smog gems—which, theoretically, would eventually become diamonds if they were compressed with much more extreme pressure.

為了經援這個研發,繼續路程,這個工作室發起一項運動,就是推廣寶石(空氣汙染粒子壓縮成的),你可買其寶石鑲嵌成的戒指、袖扣。 有一天寶石還會更進展到鑽石,當它們壓縮技術更加成熟時。

But for now, the tower sits on a patch of grass next to Roosegaarde’s studio in Rotterdam, whose mayor and local government supported the project with grant money.


The process taking place inside its walls is powered by 1,400 watts of sustainable energy, which is comparable to a water boiler, and the studio says it hopes to one day integrate solar PVs into the design to power the process—which works not so differently than some ionic air purifiers.


Roosegaarde explains:

By charging the Smog Free Tower with a small positive current, an electrode will send positive ions into the air. These ions will attach themselves to fine dust particles. A negatively charged surface -the counter electrode- will then draw the positive ions in, together with the fine dust particles. The fine dust that would normally harm us, is collected together with the ions and stored inside of the tower. This technology manages to capture ultra-fine smog particles which regular filter systems fail to do.


Now that the working prototype is up and running, the next step is figuring out how to bring it to other cities—including the city that started it all, Beijing. The team’s Kickstarter, where the studio is raising funds for another eight days, is closing in on doubling its goal—you can get your own smog gems by donating here.


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