

There are many heavy metals that people are exposed to regularly without realizing it. Mercury, cadmium, and aluminum, among others, are able to imbed themselves into our central nervous systems and bones, bio-accumulating for years until we start to suffer acute health problems from heavy metal poisoning. Fortunately, there is a simple one-two-combination that helps to chelate heavy metals so that they are no longer circulating in the body.


Chelating agents are those that bind to heavy metal toxin ions, and then are removed from the body through our regular excretory channels. Pharmaceuticals like 2,3-Dimercaprol have long been the mainstay of chelation therapy for lead or arsenic poisoning, but they have serious side effects. The simple, and proper dose of cilantro (Chinese parsley) and chlorella; however is a powerful chelator for numerous heavy metals.


“Many health practitioners use synthetic chelating agents such as DMPS, DMSA, EDTA and others to mobilize and eliminate heavy metals from the body. There are advantages and disadvantages to using these. One advantage is the power of their mobilizing activity—they are quick to mobilize and eliminate certain metals in the body, but this may place a huge burden on the body’s detoxification systems.”

很多醫藥員用合成螯合劑像是DMPS, DMSA, EDTA與其他,來驅動去除重金屬,排到體外。有好有壞。好處是它們的螯合力很強,能快速附著清除,但是會阻礙身體自然的掃毒能力,形成很大的負擔。

Cilantro is best used in conjunction with chlorella because it,“mobilizes more toxins then it can carry out of the body, it may flood the connective tissue (where the nerves reside) with metals, that were previously stored in safer hiding places.”This can cause retoxificaiton if another binding agent isn’t used to help rid the body of the heavy metals that are ‘found’ in their hiding places throughout the body.


People who have eaten large salads daily full of cilantro have experienced this effect – moodiness, terrible acne, joint pain and more. While they were mobilizing heavy metals, they weren’t all excreted from the body fast enough, which meant they were detoxing and toxifying themselves the same time!


Simply by adding chlorella – an intestinal absorbing agent, the retoxificaiton of the system is prohibited. Clinical studies completed recently proved that heavy metal chelation [using cilantro and chlorella] can naturally remove an average of 87% of lead, 91% of mercury, and 74% of aluminum from the body within 42 days.


The properties of chlorella lend themselves nicely to aiding cilantro for detoxifying the body: 小綠藻的功能能輔佐香菜的解毒作用更加乘

•Chlorella is antiviral. 小綠藻抗菌

•It binds to dioxins and other environmental toxins. 能綁住戴奧辛與其他環境毒素

•It repairs the body’s detoxification functions. 能修復身體的解毒功能

•Improves glutathione – the bodies ‘master’ antioxidant. 改善穀胱甘肽 身體主要的抗氧成分

•Binds to heavy metals exceptionally well. 能有效螯合重金屬

•Alpha and gamma lineolic acids in chlorella help increase the intake of fish oil and other important fatty acids. 小綠藻中的阿爾發與迦瑪亞麻酸能增加魚油吸收量與其他重要的脂肪酸

•Methyl-coblolamine repairs the nervous system and damaged neurons which often suffer from heavy metal poisoning. 甲基氰鈷胺(是維他命B12的輔酵素)能修復神經系統並破壞掉已受重金屬毒害的神經細胞

•Chlorella contains the most easily absorbed form of B12 and B6.小綠藻含有最容易被吸收的維他命B12與B6

•Chlorella is high in amino acids, and thus ideal for vegetarians. 小綠藻富含胺基酸對於素食者也很優

•Chlorella is able to open cell walls, which is necessary for detox processes. 小綠藻在掃毒過程有助於打開細胞壁

•Chlorella restores healthy gut flora. 小綠藻能恢復腸道好菌

•Chlorella is still being studied for its detoxifying effects, since science cannot fully understand how it has developed over millions of years to be so effective in ridding the body of unwanted substances.小綠藻的解毒功能仍在研究了解中

•This PDF describes very specific chelation dosing when using chlorella.

Cilantro has its own chelation benefits: 香菜的相關益處

•Highly effective metal toxin binding agent and mobilizer. 充當重金屬毒物的螯合劑是高度有效的

•Powerful anti-inflammatory. 強而有力的抗發炎成分

•Antibacterial. 抗菌效果

•Increases HDL cholesterol and decreases LDL. 增加好的膽固醇降低壞的膽固醇

•Prevents gas and bloating.預防放屁和脹氣

•Wards off urinary tract infections. 避免尿道感染

•Eases hormonal swings during menopause and menstruation.女性生理期間可舒緩荷爾蒙的搖擺

•Can reduce nausea. 減少噁心感

•Adds fiber to the digestive tract – an effective bulking agent. 增加纖維質幫助消化

•Fights anemia with high levels of iron, and magnesium. 富含鐵與鎂能改善貧血現象

•Reduces minor swelling. 降低輕微水腫

•Promotes liver health. 幫助肝臟健康

•Can be used as an expectorant. 有助祛痰

As a final note, just be sure your magnesium levels are high before starting any serious chelation program, since this trace mineral helps to promote ‘relaxed’ arteries and can make elimination of toxins easier on the body.


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